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BMI Prime
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In a surprisingly large part, our reality consists of calculable problems. Should I buy or rent? What's my ideal calorie intake? Can I afford to take this loan? How many lemonades do I need to sell in order to break even? Often we don't solve these problems, because we lack knowledge, skills, time or willingness to calculate. And then we make bad, uninformed decisions.

Omni Calculator is here to change all that - we are working on a technology that will turn every* calculation-based problem trivial to solve for anyone.

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*within reason

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The p-value calculator can help you find the p-value and evaluate how compatible your data is with the null hypothesis.

Test grade

With this test grade calculator, you'll quickly determine the test percentage score and grade.

Sales tax

Sales tax calculator works out the tax imposed on the sale of goods and services.

Scientific notation

The scientific notation calculator converts decimals into scientific notation. Explore the rules of scientific notation for a thorough understanding.

Square footage

Utilize our free square footage calculator to determine the area of diverse property shapes in square feet (sq ft) accurately and effortlessly.


Exponent calculator helps you find the result of any base raised to a positive or negative exponent.


Use our free online percentage calculator for precise results. Learn how to calculate percentages or get quick answers with us.

Square root

Square root calculator helps you find the square root of any positive number.


Use this free circumference calculator to find the area, circumference and diameter of a circle.


Calculate the slope of a line through two given points using the slope calculator. Discover the slope formula and learn how to find slope with two points.

Salary to hourly

Find your hourly wage instantly with our Salary to Hourly Calculator. Ideal for job seekers and employees to convert annual, monthly, or weekly salaries.

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Pythagorean theorem calculator helps you find out the length of a missing leg or hypotenuse of a right triangle.
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